
Im sure someone is nostalgic for this car. I’m sure you remember spending your childhood in that back seat playing with your hot wheels and trying to get the drivers behind you to wave back. I’m sure you’re thinking, hey this would be a good car to drive around ironically and take to radwood.

That is still the angriest I have ever been in a movie theater. By finally using the original title I knew they MUST faithfully adapt the ending, otherwise that title wouldn’t make any sense. Even the alternate ending doesn’t cut it.

Please don’t, Akiva. You’re to screenwriting what William Hung is to singing.

I am Legend was a bad movie, for sure, but it biggest sin was absolutely butchering the source material and just making it a generic zombie movie

Glad to hear this. I’ve been having a lot of impostor syndrome lately, and if someone like Goldsman can make massive money writing shit scripts, then maybe I can write my stupid internet shorts. 

The only thing these nimrods are doing is convincing people they’re a bunch of dick heads.

Personally, I’ve been able to find some driving joy in just about anything. I even found some in my dearly departed Grand Caravan. I would hope an Odyssey is better than that was.

This would be an excellent 9th grade honors English paper, so good job!

Freshly roasted & ground coffee takes a lot longer than instant coffee. Instant isn’t better.

I think you’ve stumbled upon a website that isn’t for you.

Dog owner, dog foster. Minivan is the answer.

shut the fuck up. you’re screaming into the void as much as anyone, and you’ve got your head up your own ass with the best of em. 

The only reason super talented directors with long histories of making amazing movies hate Marvel movies is because those directors know about film and hate shitty CGI driven dreck. The only reason Marvel fans get so mad at people like Tarantino and Scorsese is because they know in their heart of hearts that those

You are talking to a boring Marvel superfan asshole. He’s only mad at Tarantino and Scorsese because he knows they are 100% right about his shitty baby brained movies.

I feel like you snarky asshole commenters should do the same...

He might have strengthened his case if  Top Gun: Maverick weren’t basically a super-hero film. I mean, not capes and tights, but the superheroics were in full effect.

Dammit. I hate agreeing with Tarantino.

This horse has been beaten to death.

I don’t even remember who that is