
Same for suburban Chicago.

WTF are you on about? If you like leering at 12 year old kids, have at it. Not for me.

No, it didn’t take any heightened sensitivity to find it creepy at the time, as it was overtly creepy by any generation’s standards. The wife and I tried to watch it not long after it came out and we both got too weirded out by it to sit through the whole thing. That, and the fact it didn’t seem like it was going to

When my Honda minivan was pushing 200,00 miles and riddled with rust but still running well enough to hang on to, I put cheapo Chinese tires from Walmart on it when it was due. There was absolutely no noticeable difference in performance during everyday driving. Maybe a tad less grip starting from a stop when there

Well, at least we got a fair amount of dragging large heavy objects across the floor.

She’s 100% right, that’s exactly how it should be done. Let him and people like him speak. Don’t bother showing up to debate them. Let them talk to the handful of alt-right troll types who bother to show up. Apathy will generate no publicity for these people and will not feed the alt-right cause. Boycotts, de-platformi

The 3.1 was not all that reliable in my Cierra wagon. But it was great on gas, I’ll give it that. Fully loaded with kids and gear I could get 27 mpg easily on the highway.

You are correct. I owned a 96 Cierra wagon, which is the same car with a different grille. Utter garbage, in fact it was the car that made me finally swear off American cars after many years of blind loyalty. Bought it when it was two years old with about 20,000 miles. Interior started falling apart a few months after

Indeed. Props to Goldsman for parlaying his no-talent hackwork into a lucrative career. If he can do it, Robert Kirkman can do it, why can’t we?

How do you make a sequel to I Am Legend, what with the protagonist being dead and all? Or are they pretending the even dumber alternative ending is the real one now? 

Yeah, if they had just dropped all pretense of being an adaptation of the novel, and had they not hired a CGI team with community-college level skills, it might have been a fun throwaway action movie. When I saw it in theaters the terrible CGI vampires with their big stretchy mouths elicited laughs from the crowd in a


And not even a good generic zombie movie. I saw it when it opened and several of the vampire scenes provoked (unintended) laughter from the crowd.

If you don’t like cyclists, that’s fine.”

If it’s a good book to begin with, I agree, it’s infuriating when a director takes those sorts of liberties. However, this is a terrible book, so taking the basic idea and using it as a springboard to make a better story in movie form makes sense. I can think of any number of other terrible books where the story was

Yeah, I don’t get why this movie was even made, the book had zero going for it.

Still marginally less stupid than how the book resolves the story.

It was a terrible book with a pointless non-ending. Shymalan can only improve on the story by changing it.

Charlie’s queerness is not explored beyond a few easy jokes at desire and porn.”

Fury Road was a boring, generic video game clone of a movie. Despite their claims of actual real-life cars/driving/stunts it all looks like cartoonish CGI to me.