
But he doesn’t look like the type at all

Nope. That’s super ageist. People should lose their licenses when they can’t pass a driver’s medical/driver’s test. If their eyes are good, if they have mobility, if they have good reactions, and good cognitive function, then they can pass a driver’s medical.

That’s an easy one

I think that’s the joke.

Man, no one wants that. They want you to finish your damn books.

Knees weak, arms heavy?

The whole scenario is number one in my list of worst ways to await death or die.

Me too. And I stupidly watched the trailer and I think I might quite literally throw up. I now know what hell is.

He’s a lumberjack, does he look like he’s ok?!

What an idiotic list. Try harder.

How about anyone who deliberately makes that same face in every photo he’s in?

Can some tech supervillain please send a virus across the internet that will erase every single picture of Smith making that face?

He turned it into Mortal Kombat fer chrissakes.

Please no more Jackson adapting LOTR stuff. To my understanding, The Hobbit was at one point considered to be 1 film directed by Guillermo Del Toro.

To this day I insist that’s what should have happened the biggest mistake they made was bringing Jackson back for those.

Recast Gandalf recast everyone and stylize it more

After the bloated, video game mess that The Hobbit became, I do not blame him for being worried.

like these founding fathers?

What would a travel ban even look like?”

Still no article about David Warner's death?

Ok this makes me happy. I really hope we get the scene where Margot and Hasimir use their secret language to razz on the Harkonnens’ vulgarity and general tackiness. 

As a cross-culture missionary myself I've run into situations like this. There's a small people group in central Africa where friends of mine work. They don't have bread and their diet consists of mainly sweet potatoes. When the bible was translated into their language Jesus says "I am the sweet potato of life"