
Yeah, gave that one a try too...

Yeah, the story is enough to sustain my momentum for now. I’m not denying it’s a fun read so far, I just fail to see the profundity that others apparently find in it

“What is shocking is how Holden went from the top of the Australian market to completely dead in less than two decades”

I’m a big fan of REM’s cover of “Superman” but some of the lyrics are a tad...problematic, shall we say.

I think most of those people have migrated to The Avocado.

Starting reading Shantaram on the recommendation of a friend. Apparently it’s a semi-autobiographical novel written by an Australian career criminal who escaped from prison and lived incognito in India for years. It’s a moderately entertaining yarn, once you get past the author’s laughably pretentious douchbaggery (“I

I believe it. When I visited France 8 or 9 years ago it seemed that whenever I turned on the TV in our room, they were airing cheesey 70s/80s staples like Love Boat, all dubbed in French of course...

Oh wait, now I get it. It’s because he looks like a doctor, but he actually tortures people instead...

AV Club Review of A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood:

To reassure Gen Z readers that anyone older than them is irrelevant?

And here I never realized when The Dead Milkmen sang “I wanna make friends with the badger” they were talking about Trump...

Fucker is 45 years older than me yet has a ton more hair...

Well, in all fairness, “written by committee and directed by indifferent machine” describes 99% of the Hollywood movies out there...

Kinda looks like cats just being cats to me.

OK, not a novel but a “classic” we were forced to read nonetheless: wtf was up with Death of a Salesman? As a kid who actually loved all the other classics we had to read, this came across as nothing but a deeply irritating, utterly contrived pile of literary self-infatuation, where all the random plot points and

Yeah, I had a similar revelation after re-reading Kerouac when no longer a college student. Being a narcissistic deadbeat manchild who made a career of mooching off the largesse of others didn’t seem so cool anymore...

As a tradesperson, I should think you would loathe everything about Things Fall Apart...

Just because you own an old Camry doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to driving around with those hideous WalMart wheel covers. Do yourself a favor and take care of that, it’s not a bad looking car otherwise...As it is, it makes you look like you have self-esteem problems...

This is America. Health care is for the privileged only...

Yep, that’s how it works. I’m solidly middle aged, work in a creative field, everyone is intimidatingly better than me and I’m constantly applying for better jobs that I keep being summarily rejected for...