
If you visit some of the more fringy right-wing sites out there you’ll see the whole right-wing-fascists-are-actually-left-wing is a narrative conservatives have been trying to push for some time, using the exact argument Carlson uses - “force of government”. Right-wingers now claim Nazis were leftists, the KKK were

Despite science”? When have conservatives ever been concerned with science? Isn’t science just a plot by Satan to lure hapless mortals away from Christianity or something?

Do people over the age of 13 actually say things like “very dope” and “sick music”?

Well, in his defense, mentally and medically unfit certainly worked out well for Trump...

Democrats are on record as saying they want to do a complete 100% gun seizure that targets religious conservatives only? 

Even the one “gun nut” I know personally has told me in the past he would never lend a gun to anybody (not to mention he at least takes gun safety seriously - no concealed carry, all guns locked up in a safe with trigger locks, only taken out for hunting or going to the range).

Well, this certainly explains why the much less religious countries in Europe have so many more mass shootings than we do...

Now it’s Pence’s turn to come out of the closet and renounce conversion therapy...

Hey, thoughts and prayers work so well for gun violence, why not hurricanes?

True, at least he hasn’t torpedoed Obama’s economic recovery, though not for lack of trying.

There will be a lot of fallout if they do...

A neutron walks into a bar and orders a Bikini Atoll. When he’s done, he takes out his wallet to pay and the bartender says “Don’t worry, for you, there’s no charge”…

Nah, either way this beer is going to bomb.

I’m old enough that I actually saw TAT in the theater when it first came out. Plus I was a kid in the 70s so yeah, I can imagine it must be a fun blast from the past for all the 70s stuff alone. I’m defintely gonna have to see if I can find it somewhere.

I watched Hateful Eight for the first time last night and yeah, it sucked. QT seems to take definite relish in being overtly racist and misogynistic when he knows he can get away with it.

Watched The Hateful Eight for the first time last night. Not nearly as irredeemably terrible as Inglourious Basterds but still decidely not good. Some entertaining dialogue and good performances (including, surprisingly, Channing Tatum) but overall a lazy, phoned-in effort of QTs favorite tropes. Plus the occasional an

Loved Time After Time as a kid. Haven’t seen it in easily 35 years. Might have to revisit that one. My early-teen kids would both be into something like that.

Shoot, you beat me to it...

For the average American conservative, a “GPA of 3.5 from an accredited university” would be shameful, making you a definite liberal elite commie. I’m sure this woman would much prefer “real” Americans who only have GEDs and work at the Dollar Store...

Sorry, I just felt I had to take a stan on this.