
Please stop saying “stan”. Thank you.

Jacob’s Ladder II: Tokyo Drift

Hey, speaking as someone from an older generation, if you can channel your narcissism into a paying gig, I say more power to you. It’s the ones out there parading their lives on Instagram for free just to get attention that annoy the shit out of me. Monetize it and you’re all good...

“China is eating the tariffs.”

Yeah, that was pretty terrible too, but I don’t remember it being nearly as misguided and incompetent as It. Of course, I only saw The Stand once, when it aired way back when. I’m sure its even worse upon modern-day re-watching...

Worked in any number of Walking Dead episodes though...

Watched the 80s miniseries of It, which I had never seen before. It was...spectacular in it’s mind-boggling utter ineptitude. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Americans once quite happily spent hours a day watching TV programming of this quality.

If I’d seen it I wouldn’t be reading the spoiler article, now would I? And you do understand that the point of internet comment boards is to share and discuss opinions?

I’m talking about maybe changing my mind and going to see it?

In both IG and this movie, QT appropriates other people’s tragedies for the sole purpose of making it all about him — his ego, his desperate need for attention and his cinematic savior complex. Another commenter compared it to Mark Wahlberg publicly saying he would have stopped 9/11 had he been on one of the planes. It

I really like everything I’ve heard about it so far, with the exception of the end. But given the theories that others have posted here, that the ending might be more figment of Cliff’s delusions than anything else, has me rethinking my stance

If you don’t like opinions, probably best to avoid internet discussion boards that were created to give people a forum for their opinions...

If you think Inglourious Basterds is good on any level apart from a trash watch like, say, Friday the 13th Part 7 or something of similar caliber, I’d say you’re the one with the terrible opinons...

Yes, good for me that I’m entitled to my own opinions no matter how much they might make QT fanboys cry...

My decision is based on the “actual experience” of watching Kill Bill and Inglourious Basterds and finding them to be insultingly terrible movies. This sounds like more of the same. Though I will say after reading some of the latest comments here positing that the battle with the Manson family might have been a

A guy who made some really good movies driven by character and plot. That guy seems to be gone in favor of a guy who makes splatter porn the top priority in his movies now. And no. I assumed that given the fact QT was working with the blessing of Tate’s family, no violence involving Tate would be shown at all.

Me too - I’m a huge horror fan but I don’t do slashers or torture porn like Saw and Hostel.

Unreliable narrator plus acid-induced fever dream makes this whole storyline a lot more palatable than playing it straight up for what it is...

Once Upon a Time and Inglourious Basterds both remind me of that Simpsons episode where Mel Gibson remakes Mr Smith Goes to Washington and adds a big bloody shootout at the end. Though QT and his fans seem to be taking it seriously, not as a parody of the utter stupidity of Hollywood movies...