
And, from what I remember from the various physics-for-dummies books I’ve read, an accurate portrayal of how time travel would work (were it possible) within the constraints of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World sounds suspiciously like the Canadian end-of-the-world drama Last Night from the late 90s.

I just assumed that character was fashionably non-binary.

Alpha’s squeaky-clean faire face got re-dirtied oddly fast. Did she stop to grind it in the mud right after she left?

Yeah, that made the story a lot creepier imo. 

I thought the overall story in the book was superior to the movie (though the movie did have some nice added touches imo, like the psychos wandering around trying to unblindfold people, the voices in the woods at the end, and the much more plausible blind car ride aided by parking sensors and GPS). But Malerman’s

From the trailer he seems surprisingly good in the role. Apart from the fact that he bears absolutely no physical resemblance to Manson...

Matt Smith? Isn’t he, like, 3 feet taller than the extremely short real-life Manson?

errr...why didn’t they just lay low and hide in the building, instead of advertising their presence to everyone? Or better yet, just go back home?

Islam isn’t a race. It’s more of an Islamophobic/xenophobic lie.

“What does a beer brand like PBR know about distilling?”

“What does a beer brand like PBR know about distilling?”

What does a beer brand like PBR know about distilling?”

I remember reading an online review when this came out comparing it to the Dawn of the Dead remake that was released the same year. The reviewer concluded The Passion was the much better zombie horror movie of the two.

there’s gotta be some discourse on the obvious beauty of atheism”

Iggy Pop wants his body back.

It’s true. We need pragmatic realists who can convince people they’re competent enough to get positive stuff done, not pie in the sky BS and chasing away jobs. There has to be a middle ground between woolly-minded liberals like Bernie and AOC and corporate right-wingers like Obama and Hillary.

Yes, I’m torn myself. On the one hand, I enjoy watching the conservative heads explode at the mere mention of her, on the other hand, she seems like a bit of a vacuous dolt who is going to do nothing but undermine the left in the long run.

They supposedly had their “story idea” in 2013, per wikipedia, but they didn’t actually write the script until 2016.

I’m just curious how nobody involved in this got sued by Tim Lebbon, author of The Silence, the book this was so blatantly ripped off from.