
EDIT: Meant to say “excluded

his fear of anything outside his strict definitions of “white civilization,””

Can we erase Jack Nicholson’s tired and phoned-in Joker/Jack Torrance schtick instead?

I don’t think it was that obscure, I remember when it came out and then afterwards it was a cable and video store regular. In fact, the mainstream chain video store by my house still has a copy even now; I rented it a couple of weeks ago to watch with my son.

I agree with your philosophy 100% (I thought the 70s remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers improved on the original and was a better film overall, for instance) but to me JL doesn’t fall into that category. Plus, nobody’s interested in making a better version of an old movie anymore, just a profitable one, and the

I myself always enjoy a completely unnecessary and vastly inferior remake that exists solely to cash in on the brand equity of an underrated classic.

Eh, there’s a silver lining. I comfort myself as I age through a life a mediocrity by knowing at least I’ll never feel the pain and regret of losing my looks, talents, skills, meaningful career, luck with women, etc., having never had them in the first place...

True. With all the work she’s had done, she most definitely does not look like a woman in her mid-fifties. More like Michael Jackson I was thinking...

To me the big mystery of the story is how this worldwide disaster enables women in their mid-50s to accidentally get pregnant...

Hmmm...interesting theory. I’d be curious to hear your take on Netflix casting a white woman in the lead role who’s had so much much cosmetic surgery that she’s starting to resemble Michael Jackson, a black man who also had lots of cosmetic surgery. Kind of adds a whole new wrinkle to the subtext (no pun intended).

That’s what I got from the book. While the creatures were interdimensional Lovecraftian alien beings who were so far removed from human comprehension just the sight of them drove people insane, they weren’t predatory in any way. They just seemed to be passively wandering around, maybe observing, or, like the humans,

Oddly enough, someone here in the office park I work at has a Camry of this vintage that is in positively immaculate shape too. Looks like a museum piece. The owner drives it here to work every day during spring and summer. I always wondered if you’d get decent money selling an ordinary, boring but immaculate old car l

So called Serling stories”, definitely, one of my favorites being Carnival of Souls.

Great idea about dragging the heaviest item across the oddly delicate floor-glass first (floor glass that’s designed to hold large crowds of people at that), then tiptoeing all the small items across once the floor has been structurally compromised. Almost as good an idea as trying to assassinate your political rival b

the naturally aspirated 3.8-liters in these Regals were unkillable”

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder...

I dunno. Strictly anecdotally, I know several people with Odysseys of various vintages and none have had transmission problems, including myself. I also know several who have owned T&Cs or Caravans of various vintages and literally every single one has had major transmission issues quite early in the car’s life.

I think it does, as far as I’m concerned. Though rewatching it with my youngish children probably helped...

If by “perfect” you mean “freakishly horse-like”, then yes.

60,000? That’s being quite charitable...