
Well, it’s common knowledge that young people love big dorky-looking minivans...

Coincidentally, “highball” is also a type of mixed drink in Japan.”

The Road is by far and away the best horror novel I’ve ever read, and it’s not even a horror novel.

Where was the hidden Shangri-La? I don’t remember that part. I just remember grim unrelenting despair with a very small reprieve at the end.

Wow, it all sounds even more stupid than I remember from my one reading 30 years ago. I wouldn’t have thought that was possible.

I just assumed all these Gizmodo publications shared one style sheet. The articles across the board all sound like they were written by the same person.

The average age of a car on the street in America has increased over the last decade”

How many components have failed, broken or malfunctioned so far?

It is indeed really good, and there’s also an excellent audiobook rendering available free on youtube that I highly recommend (I’m personally a big fan of listening to audio versions of favorite books I’ve already read...).

I also find it very clever that her zombies are driven byfamiliar routine, quietly repeating activities”, a detail totally not stolen from Colson Whitehead’s zombie novel Zone One.

Not being a millennial, I’ve always preferred beer to be beer-flavored, myself...

barely-21-drinkers do tend to gravitate toward sweeter, flavored malt beverages”

Don’t forget, back in the day you could supersize it too...

Just tried it in the last couple of weeks, after not having a cream ale in years. Great summer beer for sure.

We drank Litle Kings Cream Ale in college. Back in the 80s you could get big 64 ounce glass jugs of it cheap. Didn’t give cream ale a thought in the 30 years since until a couple of weeks ago when my favorite seedy liquor store was running a special on Sunlight Cream Ale. Good summer beer for sure. Thanks for the

I just want to know what the deal is with those penis-shaped sideburns.

Goes perfect with the book then.

It’s not that great. It’s a mildly interesting novelty that exacts a hefty price on the reader with obnoxious irritating characters and loads of pretentiousness.

What was the author going for, apart from mind-boggling levels of pretentiousness? Serious question. I read it and was not impressed with anything except the convoluted structure. Nor did I pick up on the “horror” aspect people talk about.

As if Kevin Smith’s terrible movies, fashion sense of a 12-year-old, smug narcissism and general overratedness didn’t make him face-punchable enough...