
That’s about what I thought too, some sort of visual byproduct of whatever transformational process he was going through, either generated by his own mind it put everything in terms he could understand, or put in his mind by the aliens to keep him at ease and communicate what was going on symbolically. Something like

Except I’m not, that’s the thing. I’m usually too dense to pick up on any sort of abstract subtext. This was obvious even to me.

Except 2001 would never get made today...

umm...yeah. In parallel to the beginning sequence where the aliens appear to provide the first evolutionary nudge to the ape creatures, they give humanity a second evolutionary boost and Dave is reborn as a higher being. Granted the whole hotel suite thing was a bit abstract, but I apart from that I never understood

Well, not one of his best I agree but still a favorite of mine. Still loads better than most of his other work.

More like still petulant and sulky about the whole thing...

Only his crappy work, apparently. Still waiting on a definitive movie adaptation of Salem’s Lot and The Stand.

Could be. The premise had some promise even if the execution was god awful.

“even the most CGI-heavy of the lot tend to be restricted by the laws of gravity and physics”

A sick fuck who makes completely overrated shitty movies at that

All the more reason to hang it up. The novelty of Darryl wore off a long time ago. His one-dimensional depth and forced fake raspiness is not enough to sustain a show. Plus 8 seasons of circular repetitious plotting is more than enough — fight zombies, build a stronghold, fight evil fellow survivors, fight zombies,

On a related note, are Brits really that dickish to non-drinkers? This isn’t the first time I’ve read that.

Yes, you’re right. There’s no significant difference. We are exactly like Afghanistan in our treatment of women.

The story was not that good.

Shouldn’t you be in school right now?

Does Atwood still acknowledge that her original inspiration for The Handmaid’s Tale was a trip to Afghanistan in the 70s, or is that too politically incorrect now?

Eh, conservatives get worked up over stupid shit too. Right now one of my favorite fringy right-wing websites has a pearl-clutching article about how the 2nd amendment is under attack because social media is doing away with gun emojis.

Vexed Vern

I’d much rather it die than carry on as the silly generic Hollywood blockbuster franchise it’s become. I’d go watch the latest Transformer movie if I wanted that.

Interesting to see how that works, both a bit long in the tooth to play a pregnant early 20-something...