
That’s exactly what I thought. Seems like a rip-off of Bird Box with sight changed out for sound. Though looks pretty good none the less, I’d be willing to pay money for this.

Myself, they filled me with a raging fury and an overpowering desire to punch Peter Jackson in the face.

“who has hiked in six contestants”

My then 10 year old son and I were driving through a rural area in northern Wisconsin when we decided to stop at a roadside tavern for lunch. I popped my head in first to ask if it was OK to bring my underage child in with me. The owner, who was behind the bar, took offense, scrunched up her faced in annoyance and

I loved this book as a kid (though God only knows how it would stand up if I read it again today) and using the novel as source material instead of remaking the original seems like it would a lot more moviemaking potential in this day and age. Though I have to say this is one of those cases where gender swap

It definitely needs to be updated with Charlie throwing peanut-based confections into the mouth of a twerking oompa-loompa to induce anaphylactic shock. And fart jokes, of course.

Maybe it’s because everyone has finally realized that Chipotle is a lame imitation of Mexican food meant for timid white suburbanites who are intimidated by cities and real ethnic food.

pffft...I drink lots of tea every day and I’m both an utter dolt and a serious asshole...

I always thought Tim Allen sucked because he’s utterly lame and not funny, not because he’s a conservative.

Works for me. I prefer the supernatural beastie stuff to the men at sea facing hardship stuff. That’s why I kept pushing down the list, seemed like it might be a bit too nautical-centric for my taste.

Anyone read the book? If so, is it any good? It’s been on my list for awhile but I haven’t gotten around to it.

Because conservatives believe in small government and individual freedom of choice, silly.

Oh, it’s not just liberals. Everyone in the rest of the country looks down at the South, regardless of political persuasion.

“I got 15+1 for them they try to block my car”

I watched the videos preparing to mock this man but now I just feel sad.

That, and the fact the pathetic performance was in an even more pathetic movie.

He’s not an action hero, but certainly Harvey Keitel is a contender for the “most badass Jew in movie history.”

After our annual xmastime viewing of Rudolph the kids and I will inevitably walk around the house for a few days declaring “ man’s work!” just to annoy the wife.

Knocking it out of the park here again I see. This is in no way pathetic or sad and you should definitely keep posting this column every week just to proudly proclaim to the world that 99% of the pre-Kinja commenters are gone.

All the AV Club is doing is embarrassing itself by continuing with this