
I never understood the 3.2 thing. Does that mean they only sell brands that are already 3.2, or do all the big macrobrewers make reformulated versions of their higher-alcohol beers with lower alcohol to sell in those states?

It’s almost like QT has turned into an insufferable self-indulgent narcissist...

Hey, c’mon, they’d be fools to let a marketing opportunity like that pass them by.

Sadly, that is literally the only way we will ever have common sense gun control in this country. In other words, never happening.

The way conservative Christians conflate war and gun fetishism with their religion really, really creeps me out. No good can come of that.

I’m not here trolling either, but as an obsessive Mad Max/Road Warrior fan I found Fury Road to be a big nothing, and frankly it aggravates me how much love it gets. Just typical CGI action movie stuff we’ve all seen a million times before. Yawn.

You weren’t wrong. It’s just another generic CGI action movie.

The Road Warrior is pretty much my favorite action movie ever made too, which makes Fury Road even more sucky in comparison than it is on it’s own. If you’re into stuff like the Transformers movies you might like FR, otherwise it will just annoy you.

Yeah, it was a big bore. A completely forgettable throwaway Hollywood entertainment product. Like watching a video game. I will say, however, that it was better than Thunderdome.

God, no. Mad Max Fury Road is the epitome of generic cartoonish Hollywood blockbuster.

The book is even better. Go with that first before you watch the movie. Probably one of the best horror novels I’ve read in the last 10 years or so.

It’s just creepy and sleazy as hell, regardless of the genders involved...

It’s not. Just a sad little facsimile thereof...

They all look the same, too. What’s a Trump supporter to do?

Well, she sorta did, by a landslide, if you go by how many actual American voters wanted her over Trump...

Eh, same difference, he’s a black guy too, so he must have done something wrong. Close enough. — Trump voters

Plus, from what I recall, they weren’t that fuckin’ good.

“We Built This City”, of course, by far and away the worst of all time. No point to debate it. All the others mentioned don’t even come close.

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