
Yeah, they might want to hang this one up, instead of continuing to broadcast how badly they’ve torpedoed this place...

“people helplessly bobbing around in large bodies of water”

I’m apparently the only one who finds Negan entertaining, and for that I make no apologies — he’s at least got some personality and flair, unlike the sadsack bores that make up the good guy team. But if you read the comic books, this sort of dialogue is one of Negan’s trademarks – follow up an obnoxious one-liner with

Yep. Use to spend a fair amount of time here every day. Now, not so much...

The AV Club’s corporate overlords hate us and just wish we would all go away and leave them alone.

The first two were a lot of fun at least...

What with everything they’ve done to deliberately torpedo this website, you actually think they’re going to bother to proofread anything?

Jesus is my favorite fictional character.

I visited once back in the day and after a couple of paragraphs of gushing and slobbering over stupid terrible movies I left, never to return again.

Harry Knowles is still a thing? Who knew?

He’s saying what we’re all thinking.

Ooh god, I’m not. Putting Hanks in the role means it’s going to be another generic “heartwarming” standard-issue Hollywood comedy/drama. The role requires somebody with a dickish Archie Bunker style edge, not the all-American goodie two shoes milquetoast affability of someone like Tom Hanks.

Oh puke. More cloying saccharine sanitized Hollywood bullshit.

Is it just me, or is Ron Howard an exceptionally creepy looking mofo? The haggard, aged but disturbingly still-boyish face, the red hair and prominent enormous bald skull...

Wow. 4 hours and 12 or 13 comments! Fine job, all. This transition proves itself yet again to be a fine business decision. Don’t want a bunch of regular visitors gumming up the works...

We call it “normcore”...

This is old news. Pulled pork recipes using rootbeer or Dr Pepper have been around for years.

So you’re saying that the star of a series that’s a cautionary tale about an oppressive religious cult, is in real life herself a member of an oppressive religious cult? The irony. Not to mention the hypocrisy.

The commenting system is still clunky and not user-friendly and very unfun.

And why does he only eat a random arm here and there and make the rest of his victims levitate unscathed in a big circle?