
Um,... Trying to explain this series to anyone. First problem is if you need to explain anything about Star Trek. It’s usually pretty self explanatory. The captain is kind of a dick. Oooh! That’s different. Nope sucks balls. The main character is a human raised by Spock’s dad for some reason. Oooh! that could be

True. If management actually got their heads out of their asses they could have beaten the crap out of Sony, Olympus, etc. Heck even Nikon and Canon could have been threatened. But Kodak was dealing with alternate facts, and we all know where that leads...

I mean, this applies to almost literally everything he says, it goes without saying.

There were enough stupid, wrong people out there to put Trump in the WH.

I wish it was clear to me.

Ctrl+Shift+Enter to paint array of light.

The FCC Votes to Abandon Rural and Low-Income Americans Idiot Trump Voters.

I dunno. I think the world needs fewer elephants.

Look, you think homeeopathy is real. It’s not. But nothing will ever prove that to you, because anything that does? You’ll ignore. Anything that does? You’ll categorize it as “Ignorance” as you’ve done here.

And everybody knows that mousing speed is crucial when editing Word documents or replying to email.

“journalism degrees”

Weather Channel now naming Winter Storms on Mars :P

Just like scrambled Spice channel in the good ol days. As God intended.

I don’t think anyone will be too upset: people who stay at Trump Hotels are used to being robbed.

Trump would immediately jump on Twitter to angrily assure everyone that this was planned during Obama’s term and that under his rule, clouds will only be white.

Really? Because I’m pretty sure those terms are synonymous, such as in the title of this ICE memo ( “Policies for the Apprehension, Detention and Removal of Undocumented Immigrants.”

Fluff Busting Purity. It will give you a myriad of options, not the least of which is that now in my newsfeed, I see the most recent posts first. It’s a wonderful thing just for that...

What do you plan to do with it? The Nikkor lenses are amazing in every category, but image quality isn’t the main reason you’d buy one, mostly reliability. If you’re not on the clock, or not running around slamming your gear into things trying to get a shot, third party lenses are great. If I’m shooting anything for a

I’ve always wondered this myself. A few years back I took a photography class at the local CC and a guy there, who’d been doing this stuff for years, spoke highly of 3rd party lenses. His photos were beautiful. But then I go to the internet and read reviews bashing them... So IDK whether I should pull the trigger on

Assuming they’ll still be tacking like, $15 in service fees on each ticket, too?