
Winter storms do not have names!!!!

Of course he is. That’s always been the republican way. And they always sell it with the same load of bullshit that big profits for corporation and the wealthy will ultimately benefit us all.

This statement is actually harmful to the anti-Trump side. It’s hyperbole at best and just plain wrong otherwise. I don’t care for Trump or his policies but he isn’t a dictator and calling him one just weakens your position.

I miss commentors smart enough to know not to click on articles they don’t want to read.

I miss Obama, before the government became a right wing dumpster fire shit show.. but I guess those two things are behind us both now, eh?

The worse, most incompetent president we’ve ever had who surrounds himself with equally incompetent sycophants.

Yep, he IS the POTUS, and he’s doing an absolute shit job at it

Now playing

I think Chris Fleming came up with the phrasing.

Really? You’d tell a customer with a drink preference that you wouldn’t make it the way they asked because...reasons? Pretenscious hipster nonsense.

Gotta say all of those are horrible suggestions. If you have to go with the big car theme, I d say get a really nice car instead of those crapcans and lease an XC90. Its still a SUV, so it is kind of obese and obscene like they all are but at least it gets somewhat decent gas mileage (aka doesnt pollude out planet

I named my wife’s ipod: iThink iPod mySelf

Phoney McPhoneface


This would be much easier and possibly less expensive, depending on where you get your Arduino parts:

This is the stupidest article ever. The only point you made to actually get rid of the jack is to save space. But, it fit just fine on the last iphone of the same dimensions, and every other phone on the planet. Its not like they replaced it with a second lightning port, which would actually be useful to charge and

Move to the right, and stop trying to justify your flaccid, passive-aggressive need to be the unofficial traffic cop who clogs up the left lane in a pathetic attempt to force others to abide by your interpretation of the rules of the road.

You started out fine, but then you went off the rails. It is true that you don’t have the right to speed.

If you think Kansas City has “big city amenities,” you have not been to a big city.

Well, broadband is his term for girl bands, and net neutrality is what’s left from gross neutrality, after the government has unfairly over taxed and over regulated the industry. Duh.