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    the advantage of getting it from the grocery store is it’s all food you’ve heard of before

    yeah, that’s the one. I already have a SB-700 speedlight which was my first big purchase after getting my 35mm prime. Looking back I think I should have gotten the 17-50 sigma or something similar before the speedlight. I’ve only used it a few times for some specific planned ahead of time sessions whereas I think the

    I’m not doing anything professional at all so durability isn’t a huge concern definitely not enough for me to spend an extra $1000. I just want a zoom with a bigger max aperture than my kit lens that will have good enough image quality that I didn’t waste $400 by trying to save $1000.

    It’d be nice to see 3rd party lenses as well. I’d love to get a Nikor 17-55 2.8, but it’s about $1400 compared to a Tamron or Sigma 17-50 2.8 for $300-$400. Obviously the Nikon will be better, but how much better?

    and/or charging you to use your own ink and paper to print them

    correct me if I’m wrong - but the AT&T International day pass looks like it’s just for business or government accounts?

    even discussion board comments get mangled ;)

    help dad - I’m at the corner of 8 mile and 9 mile

    just remember - with great power comes great current squared times resistance

    I’ve been using a rainmeter skin called windows 10 widgets http://win10widgets.com/ It looks much more modern and not as cartoony as some of the stuff I see.

    LMAO @ angry keyboard bongos

    best buy qualifying tv link doesn’t work

    what about sub-human orbital flight?

    you should check out “The Almighty Johnsons” it’s a New Zealand comedy/drama/Scifi show with Norse god mythology.

    $70 a season is very high especially considering the box set came out for about $125. You do get the cardboard sleeves for the individual season cases so that’s definitely worth the $375

    this seems like a pretty cool idea for the mechanical keyboard crowd.

    lying on my resume is NOT the right answer to this question