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    you can certainly watch out of market NHL games through the internet with their center ice package, but it doesn't include any nationally broadcast games on NBC/NBCSN. It also doesn't include ANY playoff games as they are all nationally broadcast on NBC, NBCSN, MSNBC or CNBC. If it were possible to "subscribe" to my

    Micro Center is great - if you live close enough to a brick and mortar one, it's awesome to just be able to go in and pick something up rather than having to wait/pay for shipping.

    if they don't "have" his proof of insurance, he might be in for a world of hurt.

    the superfriends were classic

    Now playing

    oh man, Kidd Video was the coolest thing ever when I was younger.

    another thing to consider, if the larger size is cheaper per unit that savings disappear if it ends up going bad before you use it up. That 10 lb tub of sour cream might not be such a good idea.

    The whole premise is flawed - you are NOT equally as likely to produce a game-changing work as you are to produce something average that is quickly forgotten.

    Seasons 4-7 of Voyager are much better than the first 3

    I really liked the Timeship part of the episode, the Voyager enduring part of it - meh.

    it's very good, it starts out a bit slow though - so don't give up.

    IMHO, they didn't do a good job with character development of the bridge crew on Voyager. The best characters were Neelix, The Doctor and 7 of 9. It's definitely worth watching if you're a Star Trek fan though.

    I loved Gul Dukat and Garak. I thought both actors were excellent.

    11. Mazda Mazda Mazda 3

    it'd be nice if there was a way to hack together an Arch Deluxe from one of these secret menu frankenstein burgers.

    most of the time you don't have to ask for them to "ball it up" they do a pretty good job of wrecking it without any special instructions

    I guess it would make sense if we used base 9, like ever - but hey it kinda works

    am I the only one who misread the title as "workspace under the stars" and expected to see some skylight/astronomical observatory theme?

    So does this mean water will boil at a lower temperature during a storm because of a low pressure system as opposed to a high pressure nice sunny day?

    I think that when it reaches 212 it is converted to steam and then is no longer water in the pot, so if you left a pot boiling long enough it would all boil away leaving only steam and no 213 degree water. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I'm guessing would happen.

    2000 and ME are on different tracks. 2000 follows NT 4. ME follows Win 98. If you want to count major versions it would go 1.0, 2.0, 3.0/3.1, 95, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 (if you consider 8.1 a major version)