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    You can also go back within 30 days if there's a price drop and they'll give you the difference. I've done this twice - once with a TV and again with a WD My Book Live. They didn't even bat an eye either time (2 different stores). Not my favorite place to go, but if they have a price drop or you notice the price on

    Sceptre 40-Inch LCD 1080p 60Hz HDTV ($268) | Walmart

    Re #10 - Can anyone else confirm that the Win+1 throught Win+9 only works with the top row numbers and not the 10-key numpad. Seems discriminatory towards number pad users :(

    another "closing" tip Ctrl+F4 closes child windows in other words, individual tabs in chrome, firefox et al. And Ctrl+tab cycles through tabs the same way Alt+Tab cycles through programs

    I sent it UPS and it made it there okay. I was trying to dig up the info to see how much I spent on the box, packing materials and the shipping and compare it to what I charged, but it was so long ago I couldn't find it. I choose to believe I came out ahead.

    sounds expensive, I wonder if anyone is actually doing something along these lines

    I sold an ovation 12 string on ebay several years ago. That's a pretty big item, but if I had some effect pedals I wanted to get rid of, I imagine they would do well.

    yes, multiple IPs would seem to cause a big hassle for a lot of things. It would be nice if they could (maybe they can?) do NAT or something similar to be able to present a single IP to the outside world.

    I started doing some looking and I see the peplink 1350 with 13! WAN ports. So now, I'm trying to come up with 13 different ISPs. Cable, DSL, T1, FIOS, Wi-Fi, Cellular from AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile, Satellite through Dishnet, Hughesnet, Exede. Obviously 13 is overkill.

    I wonder how well this would work if someone wanted to have a cable modem and a DSL/Uverse connection? If one of them went down you would still have the other and while they were both working you would hopefully see a speed increase. I know it would be expensive to do something like this, but I've had Comcast and

    and if you have a big item like a guitar, pack it up ahead of time and weigh it so you know exactly what the shipping costs will be so you don't screw yourself on that.

    me too, I got Win 8 last year when it came out for $40. I'm building a new computer for my parents and now that 8.1 is a full-install it will make one less step, I wouldn't mind saving some $ also. The hardest part is waiting until the 18th

    just so people know - Solavei has the same "great" coverage as T-Mobile since that's who they use

    My in-laws in Michigan just switched to Satellite Internet (dishnet) It's actually been okay as far as speed goes (5Mbps). The latency is terrible, but for browsing, shopping, even a little youtube - it's not too bad. The monthly bandwith cap is REALLY low though (5GB during regular hours and an additional 5GB

    after testing my method, I realize - you don't even need to hit Windows Key + right arrow to get the torn off tab to take up the right half of your screen. It just automatically does it when you drag it over to that side of the screen

    how is this different from just hitting Windows key + left arrow to send your browser to the left 50% of your screen and then "tearing" a tab off and dragging it away so it becomes its own window and then hitting Windows key + right arrow to take up the right 50% of your screen?

    that's the problem, you're using a metric a/c unit, the imperial ones are much easier.

    I hear you, I still disagree that someone who drives faster than me will get me there first.

    this map has to be backwards. The Detroit area including the University of Michigan has slower speeds than Marquette or Sault Ste Marie? Not true.

    The Upper Peninsula of Michigan?? For those of you who have not visited this area, it is great for many things such as camping, hiking, hunting, snowmobiling, sight-seeing, but definitely not fast internet