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    If you're booting Win 8 off an SSD you better be quick with that F8 key

    I tried it and seriously wanted to like the start screen, but it just doesn't make sense if you're using a non-touchscreen device. It's even worse with dual monitors. I tried a few of the free start button programs, but honestly Start 8 works great and is probably the best $5 I've spent in quite a while.

    no, they still can' t figure out how to use a commenting system that does't look like a table runner. Why sooooo much whitespace?

    having a 4G backup sounds like a good idea, but in my experience, the places with the slowest internet are also the places with the spottiest (or non-existent) 4G coverage. YMMV of course

    Temba, at rest

    You don't need to worry about matching the current too closely. Devices will draw their own current so as long as the current is enough (or close) then you should be fine. If you have something that runs on 5v with 400mA and you have an adapter which is 5v and 1000mA it will work fine. It's just like a house

    libraries are a great place for family tree research aka genealogy. My local library has copies of the newspaper on microfilm going back to the mid 1800s as well as city directories, indexes to court and probate records, to name a few. They also have a subscription to Ancestry.com so you can save yourself some money

    h264 video encoding. Turning a full size bluray rip into something a little less space hungry.

    I realize the old XBox will not handle HD, but out of curiosity - Do you have any problems with it being able to play the h264 mp4s that most places use instead of the old xivd avis?

    even their own article they linked to about it is full of comments about how it doesn't work. "Journalism" at its best, no wonder no one takes bloggers seriously.

    I would pay extra and wait longer to NOT have to go to Walmart

    my mom was the same way, but she finally gave up the fight after having to learn Word at work.

    that looks terrible. Might as well put a nail through the center hole. They have album frames that actually make it look professional instead of like a 3rd grade art project

    EXACTLY - That's beautiful my friend

    LOL @ BestBuy matching Crutchfield. That's like saying the quickie oil change place will match the dealership prices

    I don't think that would accomplish anything. It would just be a different name with the same problem. As it is now, I have everything on a network drive with separate folders for music, videos, photos and documents and it all works just fine. I get around the libraries problem by putting everything in a single

    lol, that's the only reason I still have a floppy drive in my case, because I don't have the matching drive bay cover and the case is kind of a weird brown/gray so I haven't been able to steal a cover from another case. It's not hooked up to the motherboard though.

    Each folder has its own list of files. In my hastily made example (since I don't use libraries) 2 of these folders are empty and 2 have dummy files in them. My annoyance with the setup is that the more folders you have included in a library, the more separate lists you will have. To me it would seem better to

    I think the more important question is - Why does he have a Win7 computer with a floppy drive?

    Start 8 is great, most people don't even realize they're using Windows 8.