if you have a lot of change to take back and turn in for Amazon gift certs then split it up into $20 chunks to get a $5 MP3 credit for each one.
if you have a lot of change to take back and turn in for Amazon gift certs then split it up into $20 chunks to get a $5 MP3 credit for each one.
have you ever tried to use one of those at a desk? There's a reason it's called a lounge chair.
do you miss not having armrests though?
that sounds awesome - you could probably print out some images from ebay auctions and money collecting sites. It'd be a lot cheaper and since you're just using it for your own personal use, no one would be the wiser.
it's the new gawker timeline
you should've at least told them in the survey how poor their customer service was
so, now we just have to start at the last page and work our way forward
the L-shaped ENTER key begats the half-sized backspace key though.
you're right, why I put in Verlander is beyond me.
back in the day, I had 2 sound cards. Winamp would use one for music and everything else used the other one, that way I could just mute the whole card and still have music without everyday sounds polluting it. Last time I checked iTunes won't let you choose a sound card, not that I'm surprised.
you know what though, he was a class act about it. Verlander moved on, you should too
The English definition of boost, not the hoodrat version
this new commenting system is awesome - 14 duplicate posts?
that one looks promising
I like a lot about netvibes, but the pop-up previews when you hover on a link drives me bonkers. It only shows up in plain RSS feeds as opposed to the netvibes gadgets or whatever the exact term is they use. Has anybody figured out a way to disable these "helpful tips"
I guess they just decided showing more than 9 items in a feed was too difficult to figure out and decided to close the whole service instead.
dumb question, but I always wash in cold water - is it too late to re-stretch the shirt if the dryer shurnk it?
It also helps if the site in question hashes more than the first 8 characters, right lifehacker?
If only I had a star to give you
there's also this one [www.amazon.com]