
A new rumor from Marvel Cosmic alleges that, of all things, the Y2K bug will somehow, for some reason, factor into the Black Widow solo film’s plotline.

Autoloader got such a great buff to it. The time it takes to proc now is so much better. Had two handcannons with autoloader on them that I was usuing as trash leveling gear. Ended up keeping them around longer then I should because I would never have to ever reload when using them. Fire off through one, swap to the

Kirk, I’m telling you this based on screenshot alone so if you mention it in the text, sorry that I skipped over it.

I gotta say, I like the Decepticons actually being deceptive.


It’s definitely a Dick Grayson that’s more violent than people are used to. It’s definitely a Dick Grayson that is struggling more than I think people are used to.

I’m kinda surprised Nintendo isn’t rereleasing Mario Maker on the Switch. It just seems like a great fit.

I know what you’re thinking: Where’s VIII? I don’t know either.

Alternatively, I wish there was a way to cosmetically make an evolved mon look like one of its previous forms. Too often, pokemon go from adorable to scraped-off-the-bottom-of-a-shoe ugly.

I got the Hunter arms, the only part that gave me any difficulty was that floating rock at the beginning, but Yoshiing my Sparrow got me there.

My PC clan is like 6 hunters, a titan, and me (I play all three).  All of the Hunters got guns.

Lately Bungie has been buffing more than needing. Skullfort has been that good for a long time a day wasn’t recently buffed, it’s been good.  It’s just better.  There is never a perfect time to jump in, jump in or stop kidding yourself and move on.

Nono, the worst part of that is the MASSIVE, no save point/no escape dungeon before Cloud of Darkness’s massive level/difficulty spike surprise. I blew through that game in a 3 day hospital stay on my PSP, took me like another week to work up the effort to grind and redo that dungeon. <_<

VI isn’t too grindy as far as SNES RPGs go. CT definitely struck a perfect balance. Dragon Quest is another story. THAT is a grind.

Why fix the steam release when they could just re-sell you the virtual console version of VI on switch?

you gotta read the novel “Phasma” to get the whole story but you’re right on all counts.

Perhaps the real tragedy of their cel-style shaded 3D animation is that it won’t let them have the characters show expressions and actions like these:

Plus, in the Expanse, they can literally regrow limbs.