
I think that you’re the first person on the internet to ever say that.

My first instinct was to say how unnecessary this was. Then I thought about it while reading and came to the conclusion that this doesn’t affect me at all so why not. Seems cool if you’ll use it.

Didn’t know General Grievous had such a tragic backstory.

Heh. As Tjorb main I think PotGs of me just sitting down emoting is just perfect and working as intended.

I’ve been missing Sam since season 2. Between her absence and Anna being blonde in the show, I’m beginning to think the producers have something against redheads...

great question! a lot of people assume that this means no one should own anything at all, but that’s not actually true. This phrase originated in french anarchist Jean-Pierre Proudhon’s 1840 book What Is Property? Proudhon was arguing against the idea of the sovereign right of property, that someone can unilaterally

And no more Transformers 7? It’s like some wonderful antiChristmas where Santa sneaks down your chimney and pilfers your entertainment system for everything that sucks.

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

I’ve had both - Meronpan (and typically most Japanese breads) has higher gluten content in the bread portion that give it a really soft, moist, almost spongy texture.

Because, as said above, this is apparently going to be the superhero version of Big. Differentiating from the Snyderverse is probably just a bonus.

Now playing

Oh God...what did I do. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.

He became a soldier for the Empire because he dreamed of becoming a pilot... only to get stuck as some nobody ground trooper on Mimban with zero prospects. 

Turns out it was his stunt double who was trapped in the car.

There was a bit of crust remaining (there’s always leftover crust) and they mixed it with frog DNA, and then...

 I would assume he would argue that doubling the resources would simply cause the same problem down the line as “life” would not have learned the lesson and would have continued unchecked.

I disagree, respectfully. In D1, my Warlock could look badass. In D2, he always looks like total 💩

It will be fitting if it is an anime movie about making an anime movie from a TV series.

Gosh Voltron is so good.

Oh you poor thing ...