
Diamond Dave is FOREVER!!!

I needed YouTube subtitles.

Well, time to go buy a VR headset! :D

I’m pretty sure the writer meant that Hamill was able to get over it (“it” being the movie not doing everything exactly the way he wanted it to) because he was an adult, and by getting over it he was able to form an unbiased opinion of the movie, which in his case was positive. I may not always agree with the AV Club

And the story goes like this:

Lily: “Grandpa! Tell us a story!”

Oh my stars and garters, did I get a case of the vapors! I had to cover my little girl’s eyes, thanks to her exposure to that utterly distasteful scene.

A prequel to the Grinch?

I’d like to think that Ghost Luke will appear in Episode X to give Rey the Third Lesson. And then he’ll appear to Kylo Ren in order to troll him, just like Yoda trolled Luke.

She was clearly enamored with him when they first met. But was crushed when he was trying to run away. Then after Canto and him trying to sacrifice himself, she knew he was the hero she thought he was.

“In The Last Jedi Finn might find himself drawn towards Rose romantically”

Thor:Ragnarok was one of the most fun movies I’ve seen in years. Seeing Last Jedi Friday.

TPM has Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon use a burst of Jedi super speed to escape the droidekas. A power they never use again. They could probably have really used it to get through the energy barriers for the final fight with Maul. Think the force push was also first seen in this movie

“You wear a disguise to look like human guys, but you’re not a man. You’re a chicken, Boo.”

All she needed to do was yell that her ship is the ship that will pierce the heavens.

Man Orpheus Rig is so fun... good luck getting one!

Huh, these things you hated were some of my favorite aspects. It’s almost as if our opinions are subjective...

Like the Cray 1 ? (BTW that’s my Future War Cult keyboard on the bench there)

To your third quote (“you are a biologist and a soldier”): in the book the members of the expedition are only referred to by their jobs/fields of expertise. So, while a little weird, it’s being true to the book in that instance.

I’m a grown-ass man of 35 summers... Why am I so damned giddy for CC Sakura?

Violet Evergarden looks like it might be worth a watch as well.

My wife and I will be seeing MLP: The Movie here this weekend in the cheap theaters. What allowed me to grow fond of the show (and its subsequent films) is how well developed these ponies actually are. And this is a children’s show ferchrissake. The music is well put together and stupidly catchy.