
Hotfix?! What’s a hotfix?!

If I get another pair of Lucky Pants, I am gonna totally lose my shit. Almost resigned myself to never getting any.

One feature I keep harping on. Let us queue up as seeker while we do other things. Limit this feature to allow me only access to explore planets and social areas. Waiting in space is time wasted with my busy schedule. I think the guided system is pretty cool but lets be honest is WOW can do it better than Destiny we

Every Fire Emblem game. Always gross.

Ken is rated too high.

So you’re saying that the market value of Shinies is going to severely drop? Time to cash out.

The New Monarchy is horrible and I don’t support them in any way, but can we admit their internal colour scheme/shaders are really cool?

[Grant bursting through the door as if his hair was on fire]: Guys, guys, guys! I just ran the diffy-q, and you’re not going to believe it!! This is INCREDIBLE!! The math says the wheels won’t bounce if you go faster. [then more slyly] BUT (!) there’s a natural frequency that will break EVERYTHING!!! If you go exactly

I believe this link will *probably* be more entertaining than the movie ever will be

Holy shit. Thank you so much for sharing this, my dear good sir!

Here, one obligatory Internet Cookie:

Megatron didn’t pick his own nickname and then decree that he shall be known by that name.

That jump sucks!

How many buttons do you have on your mouse. Check my other comment. Melee on mouse 3 makes it faster than a game controller. Crouch on middle mouse makes sliding and crouching effortless. Move change weapon to q and you never have to lift you hand. Change mouse 4 or F to super or grenede. The only tricky one is v. But

Quick tip, if there’s ever a 90's edutainment game you can’t remember the name of, just look up the released software lists for The Learning Company and Broderbund on Google/Wikipedia/etc... and there’s a 99% chance you’ll find what you are looking for.

They’re mostly standalone, though SMT4 Apocalypse did connect with the other games a bit. I doubt you’ll need to play the old ones to understand V, though.

My stance: If it benefits the player and bungie hasn’t explicitly called it out or fixed it then it’s an undocumented perk/feature.

Older than time itself.

That or “we’ve been taking turns with the switch just fine until now but now that the Pokemon games are out for it that’s just not gonna cut it anymore”

PC or nothing.

-chanting softly- “Please bring it to PC, please bring it to PC, please bring it to PC.”