... was originally a light novel
... was originally a light novel
I always flashback to this when I hear the word Lockjaw:
Claude, who will someday lead the mercantile republic that is the Leicester Alliance, has his eyes on a much bigger picture and hides his schemes behind laughs and smiles.
I was about to say, “I think you mean Episodes Four through Seven.”
Had they made an English translation for Snatcher, I’d have bought it for that alone.
Me too, and hopefully by that time the price on Switch Lite drops into the lower 100s, 130-150 is my hope, maybe $100 refurbished.
If it doesn’t connect to the dock, put the power connector ANYWHERE ELSE!
THAT would be asking a lot, though I like the idea of the damage or level equivalence creating a bigger impact. level 1 Caterpie hitting a level 20 Onyx (I don’t even feel it) versus a level 100 Caterpie hit (Shocked Onyx O_0!) would be hilarious.
I don’t feel like it’s asking too much to let pokemon move a bit around the field and actually physically attack other pokemon when it’s a physical attack. I basically want FFXIII combat. Things move and shift around the battlefield even though you’re not in control of movement.
For me it was Industrial Spy, Tech Romancer, and Chu Chu Rocket.
If we’re gonna “real” fight at a fighting game tournament, let’s just make it official.
What is the U.S. historical figure equivalent of Oda Nobunaga in media? I feel like there is not a year that passes in which Nobunaga doesn’t show up in something.
So far, the coolest application I’ve seen for full finger range of motion is throwing. Being able to precisely throw an object because of available data on what you are doing with your fingers is pretty cool. Boneworks had a demonstration of that:
Yeah, I imagine Milotic would probably make it. I also thought about putting Relicanth, but it's pretty useful.
I’m going to name some Pokemon, and you let me know, Nuzlocke aside, if you use any of them regularly:
ATB Pokemon is something that’s been on my Pokemon wishlist, we’ll see how it goes.
Nope, cause it was the only gimme that Ash gave. While rain was active he used... Cut. CUT! Literally any water move and you win, Ash. Uses cut. Rain ends...
AND Ash had rain in effect at the beginning of his fight. Just... salty.
He did already.
Sounds like the go-to recommendation for the renaming of Boeing’s 737 Max.