
But the whole thighs/hips region is very uncomfortable to look at.

Guns in anime type worlds really stick out when they haven’t been around before.

It seems that most polls seem to agree with how I was feeling. Not Grookey. That said, I’m willing to let his evolution convince me otherwise.

The thing I’m most excited for is this emote:

Ok, so now I just want the “Selfie mode” of every video game to turn into this. Just running around the game drawing pictures of stuff instead of screen shots. Nathan Drake pulls out his journal and draws what he sees as opposed to take a smartphone picture.

When I see that suit animation, all I can think is that I sure hope there’s an emergency removal because that suit makes me claustrophobic just thinking about it.

They probably just should have made some NFC sensors in the heels and made you click them together to tie the shoes.

I’d do it, but I lost all of my games except Tech Romancer. AND I lost my VMU. Honestly, I should just find out if it still works.

So, from a Destiny 2 perspective, what had happened to me was every time I entered a transition screen the load times got longer and longer. Fiddled with nvme, ram leakage, port forwarding, graphics card upgrade, nothing worked. Finally got a processor/graphics card update from AMD (a year later), fixed the problem.

I’m curious enough to read it, or at least get a synopsis of it.

Now playing

For some reason I was waiting for the song to bust into Reel Big Fish.

Titans, the bulkiest, heavily armored guardians, somehow want to be WARMER.

I saw that headline and thought, “oh right! Axiom Verge is free today.” Good thing it was broken or I may have forgotten.

Anthem has the exact opposite issues I was expecting. I think the story will be good enough to get me through the entire campaign, but the combat and environment is very... pretty but impersonal. I don’t get the feel of association to weapons, javelins, move sets that would make me say “Interceptor for life!”

Now playing

Before YouTube, I had a computer full of DDR competitive videos. This was the one that rang a bell when you mentioned flair.

Sounds good. I thought about grabbing 1.5+2.5 first, but I’ll take your word on just playing KH III.

Well, seems like I should just buy KH3 and stop trying to understand the background.

I’m less worried about the game and more worried about why XSEED isn’t doing it. I’m hoping it’s because they’re swamped with projects or something and not more troubling than that.

Interestingly, I think this is best case scenario for Destiny 3. Or, at the very least, any success or failure won’t have direct correlation to AAA publisher time tables.

So the puzzle you referenced wasn’t part of Niobe but Izanami. Though every past puzzle was involved in Niobe solutions. While the Charlemagne’s Joyeuse puzzle was part of Bypass level 6, the solution only took 30 seconds to decrypt: Broceliande.