Just about all one cut, I’m impressed.
Just about all one cut, I’m impressed.
Kyogre! Destroy everything! Oh no! Kyogre is destroying everything! -Hoenn logic
I’ve never been quite this excited for a Zelda game
but can two players enter the same code?
I trust Trejo’s judgement.
Oh, good, I was half expecting this list to be filled with things like Red Dead Redemption: Custer’s Revenge
Honestly, after Ash said he was headed back to Kanto to start over, and because extra tan alternate dimension Professor Oak is in Alola, I just assumed the series ends here and Sun and Moon is an alternate reality (a thing they are apparently doing with the two versions).
“Move the line forward? No sir, never received a pigeon”
If this update applies to the Steam Link, I will never have to get off the couch again.
So it isn’t just some sort of Spyro rip off, it’s actually Spyro?
One of my favorite explanations on this topic:
The only time gender bothers me in Pokemon is when I name one and I find out later what gender it was.
Please be true...
I’ll toss in a vote for the singularity.
yeah... I refuse to call it that.
Well, Duke Nukem... but still, they even did the port of Halo to PC.
Well crap, I’m excited about a historical war FPS campaign.
Serious side stepping...
There’s an advantage to having an unevolved Eevee? Breaking all sorts of rules here.
2015 looks good, but in a photoshopped ideal way.
2016 looks like someone I might see in real life. Somone who has been through some stuff.