Sort of a rough list to put together things I don’t get sick of playing. Let’s go with things I would pick up occasionally:
Sort of a rough list to put together things I don’t get sick of playing. Let’s go with things I would pick up occasionally:
Yeah... I’m not defending his character, but he has good comedic timing. Though he seems like a nice enough guy when he’s not making something for entertainment purposes.
It could also be that I’m not too salty about it because I already have a dragonite...
Probably, he does have the resources to gather lots of people for something.
I’m not disagreeing, but I am also entertained:
I know what he’s doing is a jerk move, but I really do love Logan Paul’s Vines.
My group of friends decided that it was pretty much given we’ll always lose servers around noon. So if we can take all the gyms before that, by the time its back up we can collect our coins and stardust.
Could you explain it to an illiterate non-thespian?
Colorado. Very middle of nowhere Colorado.
Only Geodudes here. 200+ Geodude candy. And Ponyta’s for some reason, lots of CP 1000+ Rapidash. A good water type would crush this town.
That’s weird, those are all the same pokemon in my area and I live in the middle of nowhere... Oh.
Let’s see what party I’m aligned with... Oh.
Could you put the times next to the titles on the video? Or is it a mystery?
I’ve had to break it open a few times. Fans clog up and die, capacitors blow up, etc. But yes, people without electronics experience should not touch the power supply. Ever.
I always see people wanting the Paper Mario series from the N64, and complain about all the others. No one seems to talk about Super Paper Mario for Wii, though. I freak’n loved that game. Honestly, that’s all I personally want from a Paper Mario.
Mac n’ Cheetos sounded amazing. Mac n’ Cheez-Its do not...
I can hear the cartoon Sonic voiced by Urkel when I read those tweets.
Oh jeez, Borderlands raids...
So, Borderlands. Got it.