Wow, ok, you put a lot more work into it than I did.
Frenetic combat for Halo was only ever one thing:
I had a similar problem with Oblivion, but then I realized I was playing Elder Scrolls wrong (because that's apparently a thing). I enjoyed the game when I found out that the game doesn't want you to follow the story, it wants you to screw around with self-defined goals.
I cosplay because, at the average convention, it makes me look less out of place.
A team of very powerful, completely random pokemon. One of them likely Pidgeot, or equivalent.
Really? I can't stop thinking about the Ralph Macchio movie Crossroads.
My complaint was, while logical, Shishio was never anything special, he was beating up the most talented fighters when they were nearly dead.
Decided to give the old Fire Emblem a try. Turns out I never really increase my troops because I lose as many as I gain every match.
Agreed. I just sleep as much as possible, but have the Star Wars Trilogy on an endless loop.
True enough, I live 2 hours from the nearest town. Even if it is more expensive than the average Walmart or Target, I save $50 by not having to go there.
It is no surprise to me that Asia leads the boards in martial arts competitions, even cosmically strange global tournaments.
Every clip I see of MGSV tells me that I will go out of my way to launch everything into the air with Fulton balloons.
Thanks for the 999 flow chart. after playing it 6 times in a row, I wrote it off assuming I'd never actually beat it.
Now if Uncharted comes out on either PC or last gen, then I may be able to put off a PS4 purchase for 2 or 3 years.
Night Trap for Sega CD.
I was also going to say Pi and Arduino. I know they get a lot of posts, but I have a few boards and like trying new things on them. Helps with Linux, Python, and electronic skills. It might be a lot, but I like to see one or the other at least every other day to see if I would want to (or can afford t0) put it…
Agreed, mostly because I feel Macross Frontier was drifting quite a bit away from the source material. Plus, you know, what you said should have been the result of the 30th anniversary to begin with.
Yep, that's it. Pachinko.
So... what is aesthetically pleasing in, say, the $50 range?