
More like 1988-1994 but point is made.

IMHO you are off by almost exactly a decade. Or you were too young to see the first decade after the 1987 inception, and only saw Berman and Jackson after the infection hit.

I’m always amused when Dilfer bloviates with Steve Young standing right there. Young always gives him this look like, “What in the fuck are you saying?”

I’m more or less neutral on Jackson. He wasn’t awful, but he wasn’t amazing either. He didn’t make me turn my tv to ESPN, but he didn’t make me turn away, either.

They’ve got a death lineup. Possession dies with Melo. Possession dies with Rose. Noah’s knee dies. Porzingis’ career dies. Fans are dead inside. Lot of death all around.

It’s always the same story- Cashman wants to do the prudent thing, but a Steinbrenner micromanages the team into oblivion. Only this time, there’s no unlimited wallet that can be used as a Deus Ex Machina to save the Yankees’ ass.

This was good.

Next up, same thing, but crowded movie theater.

It would sure be nice for duplicating all the pokeballs I’ve lost when the server times out -_-

Whew. I feel much better knowing Harden won’t have to defend anything here.

When the police asked Malone to described the number of times he was hit in the head, stomach and legs, respectively, he replied "fo, fo, fo."

Harden at a strip club? So do I.

too real

A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.

“When they help your team win don’t you root for a player even if they’re a garbage human being? Start thinking that way.”

“ring” is literally a term in the basketball rulebook.

I feel Zubats aren’t worth the time and effort lol.

Zubats may actually be the exception to the “catch all pokemon you see” rule. They are usually more difficult to catch than other common pokemon so they are probably not worth the 3 pokeballs it takes to catch them. If you live/work near hella pokestops though, have at it.