
Whew. I was concerned that Mexico wouldn't have something to complain about it if they don't get all the points. Thank goodness that's taken care of now.

funny, for me it's the reverse. hooray IT departments.

So I assume SEC fans are cheering for Mexico here?

Refs vs. Mexico: Dos a cero

I switched over thank you,these guys are way better

I know they want to attract the Hispanic fan base by using Latin announcers, but I'd much rather watch Univision's coverage if I want some Latin flair.

And that tradition sucks.

Either that or your sarcasm meter is turned to zero.

I see Mexican fans still yell puto on goal kicks. What a bunch of morons.

Germans: Dampening the World's Spirits Since 1914

It's really bad. He's stumbling all over himself, too busy doing plugs rather then calling the game, etc. :( Almost sounds like they grabbed two fans off the street and stuck them in there since it's the morning game.

I'd cheer for Italy before I cheer for Mexico. Fuck Mexico.

People probably won't get upset about the disallowed Dos Santos goal as they did for the penalty in yesterday's match. Personally, I agree with the linesman and want Cameroun to win this game.

Rooting against Cameroon because Charles Itandje is a dick. Rooting against Mexico because It's The Best. 0-0 it is.

Please don't throw a battery or vomit on me.

I honestly want Mexico to be irrelavent, I hate el tri fans and I'm even still bitter that the US helped them get to this point

I've never visited Mexico (because, obviously) and I couldn't find Cameroon on a map if you gave me 2 hours to do so, but I'll gladly take the 2-hour diversion from work.

Fuck Mexico. Go Cameroon. Eat a dick, Marquez.

So the study tells us that we Phillie fans are cognizant and able to make informed decisions on where and how to spend our money? Now I haven't been to a Phils game since they still played in the Vet and wore those horrendously ugly maroon and baby blue uniforms (which are now hipster-nostalgic among Phillie fans) but

Having a particularly loyal fanbase means that management faces less pressure to actually win. If you truly love your team and want to help it win, then let it go.