
You think you're being clever and turning this around on players, but creating that kind of culture is exactly the kind of thing that the employer is responsible for.

This is the best comment I've read all year.

Following the incident, Colon was reportedly stuffed for days.

That's an excellent question. I didn't even think twice about calling them small-market. We need a better term, something that means "cheap-ass" but with a little more decorum.

Houston is the 4th largest city in the United States.

Noted: If you "sign up" for anything, you can't suggest improvements.

He did suck it up and do it.

So your argument is that playing soccer in 90 degree weather is not hot, because it can get hotter than 90 degrees? There's also the compelling evidence that you were not hot while you were sitting down.

Keen insights from a true gladiator!

He was the ball.

wait, i have to take this phone call.

Coach K being so low isn't really a surprise. Kids learn young how to spell Asshole.

Shut up, Moran.

I think the blame lies with Wade's illiterate parents, not the sports journalists of the world.

What about a special mention for Mike Vick? Remember that time he spelled his name Ron Mexico? What an idiot...

Man, no way. I got raped in these rankings.

Note: No, I don't why the bar was out of cream. Poor logistics management, I guess? Carry on.

Note: this explanation assumes said White Russian was made with whole milk instead of cream. Carry on.

Note: this joke assumes drink in question was a White Russian. Carry on.

What do you expect? He wasn't about to cry over it.