
Dave Grohl filming his own True Detective season on HBO

Nice graphics. But I've conquered Life Force too many times to look through frame-by-frame takes of the final battle.

Qatar? They promise the weather will cooperate.


You suck at trolling.

That's racist!

What has been your most white-knuckle experience in the cockpit?

Failure to obey Flight Attendant instructions is a felony, so...

Funny- Last time I flew American they had me drywall an Orange Julius.

It's a different kind of flying altogether.

I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.

Shirely you must be joking.

And having a drinking problem.

Downsides: Eating the fish.

No, building. The last time I flew, I had to remodel the bathroom next to the Cinnabun.

I never understood the killing animals is wrong reason for vegetarians. I can understand not wanting to eat their charred corpses but just "killing" shorthand is pretty silly. Most humans are responsible for a lot of animal murder even if you refrain from feasting on their flesh.

"Disrespectful to West Virginia", as everyone laughs.

Dos Equis needs to change their ads immediately.

Amen. I mean, I love the man - but having to do this must feel like some sort of exhausting obligation some days.