
I guess so, probably the same reason every movie is a sequel or a remake. Name recognition. Sadly, works in politics too.

This movie is totally false advertising and I want my money back. >bamf<

That's kind of what I mean, I would think pop would no longer be a thing since everyone would be finding their own stuff now. When I was a kid we all listened to the same thing because we had no choice.

I can't figure out why Swift and her ilk are still popular among a generation of people who grew up with every song in the history of the world a click away. I would think that would make for broader (if not better) tastes in music and kill shit like this.

Obama: I've got an army.

Talk about clickbait. I came here looking for a Jets article.

They have 4 teams in the top 10 most and 7 in the top 20, Pac has 2 and 4, B1G has 1 and 4 (including mighty Rutgers), ACC has 2 in the top 10 and perennial world champion Notre Dame is in the top ten. While those #'s support you position, if we look at it that way there are 20 college teams better than Auburn if we

I was thinking Porky's, but yes.

Probably the only guy that hates Thursday Night Football more than I do.

So for all these years you've been shitting for free like a sucker?

Many MLS rivalry games have the same tradition.

Here's Darren Rovell's sex section in his own personal code of conduct: Darren embraces a fist full of crushed glass, grips his semi-erect penis, inserts a closed scissor into his urinary tract, begins to stroke his semirection with the fistful of broken glass, Skypes his mother to have her berate him and quickly

Rudy Tugjanovich

I've never heard of switchel before today, but I look forward to the top 15 Switchel Bars In New York on Thrillist tomorrow morning. Of course 14 will be in Brooklyn and 10 will come with fried egg on top for no reason whatsoever.