
But, the cultures of other places and times and ways of life do not reside in their ginger drinks and shirts and facial hair; when you port these things to Brooklyn, you are not revitalizing a culture—you are just cosplaying.

Well, since he appears to be approximately the same size as the defenders I think it's safe to assume they were awestruck 6th grade girls.

Hopefully for your sake the new commissioner gives out favors like the old one and rewards teams for losing guys like Jordan, Shaq and LeBron.

I've called it Cleveland Cavaliers symptom since it seemed to be the case in the early 90's, make the playoffs, lose in 4, get a shitty pick. It's like the Knicks now, but with draft picks and less money being thrown around. Although the huge difference being the Knicks are in this position by choice.

Why would Reinsdorf vote against a system that got him a top 3 pick in 5 of the last 15 years? If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Wasn't that specific case more about Melo being a dick and his wife wanting to be on TV?

It seems like a right-to-tank movement, although the only time I can think of tanking really working was when San Antonio left David Robinson on the disabled list long after he recovered so they could get Tim Duncan and all the Championships. Also, it's not like the Knicks, Lakers and Celtics couldn't find a way into

It's a banner day for small market teams who can continue to draft 18 year old's with potential only to watch them sign somewhere else when they start to get good. Is the current system really beneficial to small market teams when Chicago has moved into the top 3 in 5 out of the last 15 drafts?

Two more teams means 24 more guys who aren't NBA caliber playing in the NBA (on top of the 4 teams worth of subpar talent that are already there) and amount to snacks for any team with a "big 3" to pad their stats against.

That mannequin needs arms so she can hold her liquor.

I haven't seen Busch beer since the early 90's!

Weapon XL

That is kind of bizarre, is there a major reason (draft departures, recruiting, sched, coaching changes?) for that or just a bad snub by voters?

Thanks for the info, was there a discernible rankings difference for similar records when they joined SEC? Say Top 15 or Top Ten rather than their usual Top 25? Seems the whole SEC gets ranked in the Top 20 and then let the chips fall where they may and whoever wins out finishes #1 and nobody else falls too far since

That's probably the case now, but I feel like they went from middling Big 12 teams to Top 15 teams immediately, unfortunately I too am also too lazy too look it up. I'll just sit back and blame ESPN and their Big Brother protection/promotion of it's corporate partners.

On the other hand, Missouri and Texas A&M improved after joining the SEC.

Right after they're done with eviscerating every country star since Billy Ray Cyrus with broken Jack Daniels bottles for what they've done to their genre.

I'll take absence from this list as a statement that Jam Bands are not their own musical genre, but instead a circle jerk with instruments.

I was so proud of avoiding all your other clickbait this morning and then I turn around and fall for this shit.

Those big fat steroid wings are disgusting, give me a plate of 20 pigeon wings any day. I can't even get through ten of the fatty ones.