
Yeah, like we’re anti-marriage? Seems like that variable never comes up and everyone who does dutifully get married like a good conformist little citizen assumes there’s something about the rest of us that is un-betrothable. Nah, we just don’t volunteer for prison.

That’s why I’m glad I’ve never made it out of grays. I can say what I want without fear of falling from grace and luckily nice Jezebel commenters usually promote me out of the grays. Win/win. Welcome back to grays aka bad asses.

Most people who marry in their late twenties are divorced by mid forty. What’s your point here? Signed, single 35 year old.

You should write fortune cookie messages, aiming to fill the niche of totally ruining someone’s night...

Something I maintain about every (yes, EVERY) person who votes Republican…the core characteristic they all seem to share is their inability or unwillingness to realize that other people may have a different life experience than their own. While I appreciate Scarborough making this announcement (we’ve gotta start

I just hope they make the Donald Trump biopic before Matthew Perry gets too old to play Joe Scarborough.

Check out a map when you get a chance. can’t even fish without a license. What the actual fuck

Nothing happened after Sandyhook, so it’ll never happen.

God that feels like five years ago.

If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.

Oh cool, let’s watch an animal suffer. Such a rad idea for a post.

did you see this one??? well enjoy

I will gladly replace your healthcare Tuesday after repealing it today.

Active contrast with inactive (injured/dead/out of ammo) rather than passive.

Email the company you used last year and inquire about the 30% increase...mention you’d like to be a repeat customer and see more moves in your future, and they may be open to negotiating. Or they’ll tell you that gas and insurance costs have risen for them, hence the increase. Worth a shot though.

No clue, but if you find out, please let me know! I’ve been grey for somewhere around 2-3 years now, and I’d love to not be.

How does one get ungreyed exactly? I post semi regularly. I’m not super annoying and my gif game is above average. I’m a lesbian, so I’d rather not blow anyone. Hints? Tips?