This is a definite reach.
This is a definite reach.
“Please let this be the “thing” that kicks his ass out of our life’s for fucking ever. PLEASE!”
Why WHY do the same people who scream about Hillary’s emails not realize this is 100x worse in every way?
This is great. “The One” really is a myth, because perfection is a myth. Both are simply ideals that people strive for, but never attain, because once you think you have it, you push to see if there is more.
This is what I was going to say. I honestly feel like the trick is not to look for a partner but to focus on your personal journey. Do everything you have wanted to and keep on your path, that’s when you find someone walking the same road.
Ahhh! I was literally singing “Love the One You’re With” (in my head) while reading your post and then saw your video.
I appreciate your outlook/attitude and honesty. It sounds like you are really trying to have a good life and work through your past. However, as a damaged and sad woman, may I strongly suggest that you delete this account. If I ever found out that my (non-existent) partner did not find me as physically attrative as…
Yeah. I look at the marriages around me and sometimes I think, “I’m good.”
With Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow, I just wanted to share the story of when I was eight and my mom threw a can of creamed corn at me in a grocery store. In her defense, she did yell “Here, catch!” as the corn was halfway through its trajectory; just in time for me to look up, ensuring it hit me square in the face.…
I just imagine those little old Italian ladies from the Valentino documentary painstakingly hand-sewing individual crystals onto beautiful gowns, only to see all of the work they put in ending up on a bathroom floor reeking of smoke.
Not everyone who smokes is cool but everyone who is cool smokes.
Have you told your therapist that you need a referral ASAP because she’s marrying your cousin and you don’t feel like you can be as open with her anymore? That would likely be a helpful step.
Haven’t been around for this in a few weeks. Last week I had my mum’s weekend away. Five glorious days visiting with my mum and sister and grandparents. Grandpa taught me some tai chi. Kind of neat to be 35 (well, a little over a week away omg) and have a grandpa running your exercise class in the living room.
I have…
Water is just clear. Grass is green might’ve worked better.
I feel like it was at least 50% when she started.
If you think shitting on people and ideologies is wrong, why are you reading Jezebel? That’s what they do... that’s nearly all they do.
Replace “Scientologist” with “Muslim”, reread the piece and determine if it still sounds reasonable, especially if your argument relies, out of hand, on dismissing a #NotAllMuslims argument. Either judge the person as an individual, or don’t, but don’t cherry pick. I don’t find Scientology to be compelling and their…
Envisioning HRC calling the GOP base a “basket of cunts” has me belly laughing to TEARS right now. THANK YOU
Agreed. I don’t think I’ve followed a foreign election as closely as I’m following the French Elections. And I’m not watching passively, I’m like the person at the movies who’s screaming “OMG RUN!! NO STOP! RUN!!!!” at the character that’s about to make a big mistake.