
Yeah, I had to permanently delete my Facebook account. When it comes to knowing which of my very mild acquaintances that I haven’t seen in 20 years are incredibly stupid and/or racist, ignorance is a hot cup of bliss.

I didn’t get the dress and I don’t get this.


It’s just all so exhausting. There’s an ongoing discussion in my country at the moment about men’s suicide rates and what we should do about them. Those looking to blame someone have been pointing the finger at the feminist movement for not celebrating young men, “claiming that all men are rapists” and creating a

It’s like how chip companies have run out of regular flavors and now keep putting out these disgusting combos, like Cool Ranch Gravy Grape or whatever. People run out of ways to get high so they start mix and matching.

Ok, I’ll bite (internet anonymity and all).

So what’s the solution for this type of thinking? I know she got fired and people are pissed and she’s getting flamed on Facebook and the whole thing, but so what? Is there any indication that she is clear about what is wrong with what she said, or rather how she thinks? Because she may have learned not to say this

The funny/sad/funny thing about all this is, Donald spent so much time telling us he has no connections to Putin or Russia, definitely no business dealings there, etc.

No one finds the irony in the brand that owns cheetos hates a talking cheeto?

Oh god, my FB memories just recently showed me a post I made about what an apocalyptic nightmare scenario a Romney presidency would be. I want to find a time machine and go pat my past self on my little head and tell myself “oh just you wait my precious, naive little flower. Just you wait”.

Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate who ran a victory lap instead of a campaign. There can be no fixing the Democratic Party until we are all on the same page about why she lost.

Hillary Clinton did not go to Wisconsin once. She basically took the whole month of August off to do fundraisers. President Obama, who won two Presidential elections, was right on the money when he brought up how getting out and meeting people is what won him those races. Hillary lost and it’s her own damn fault.

Counterpoint: Mayo in place of butter is awesome for grilled cheese. Be sure to use real Hellman’s or Dukes for best results. None of that fat free/reduced calorie crap. Results below:

ugghhhhh :( well, think of it as self-preservation. you are doing what you have to! it’s shocking how little self-awareness some people have (referring to the husband)....or do you think he KNOWS how much his insane racist babble is bothering you and he is just seeing how far he can push it? wishing you lots of

But! Exclamation! Points! After! Every! Sentence! Highlight! My! Sincerity! And! Totally! Credit! My! Position!

Nah, Emma’s pretty awesome.

The ugly girl (because she has glasses) needing a makeover before the guy loves her inner beauty certainly doesn’t count, sorry Freddie.

we have our moments! how are you doing? i read your “Worst Week Ever” and it sounds like indeed the “Worst Week Ever”. I hope this week was better for you.

And that would be why Lawrence’s daughter tells the man in black “the maze isn’t for you”.