Now playing

While not technically a video game, I have to give major love to Thousand Pounds for their series of Ultra Combo videos. There are three of them; I think this one's the best. Cheers!

This is my vote:

There was a British version some time before Drew hosted the American version. Colin and Ryan were on that one too, I think.

I agree that it's not a perfect parallel, but there it is.On an unrelated note, everyone seems to have latched on to Reggie being a skin for Wii Fit Trainer. I'd rather see him as a skin for, like, Ganondorf or someone.

To be fair, ROB wasn't a fictional Nintendo character either.

Lego City Undercover feels a lot like a spiritual sequel.

I promised myself that once I paid off all of my home loans, I would *then* start looking at making my house unique. And, hey, I did that this morning! One of my rooms is starting to become a library, with my basement as my living room (complete with person-sized pawn piece).

Now playing

I have to give major points to KK Slider's house mix that plays at the club every night. I just turn it on and let it go for ages.

Hope it's made by Traveller's Tales.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't actually click on that link.

I came here to post that exact thing.

I live in North Carolina and have run into the same trouble as you do. :\ The only time I ever get a streetpass is when I go to a convention or something.

Cloud Atlas was one of my favorite movies of last year. :D I agree in that it kept you interested - there wasn't really a down moment. It reminded me of what would happen if someone adapted Live-a-Live for film.

You want to know the incentive to not pirate the game? The incentive is that if too many people pirate the game, this series will probably not continue to be localized.

That person will become Peter Molyneux.

I'm glad someone mentioned it.

If I knew nothing about this show and just watched this opening, I would have to conclude that Applejack eats a lot and that Spike has a mustache, but only sometimes.

I'd rather have Need for Speed: Mos Def.

Fair enough.