
Just out of curiosity, would you also favor Nintendo of America not localizing the names of Pokemon?

What do you mean?

Beg your pardon?

I think I have to go with X Dog, the robotic canine companion of Mr Gait, CEO of Macrosoft.

I actually really would like to try it; it just blew my mind a bit.

Am I the only person who can't fathom the concept of a Minesweeper *adventure mode*?


That's a damn shame.

Every year, the artist of Awkward Zombie participates in 24-Hour Comic day; she makes a simple two-panel strip once an hour, for 24 hours. That's why it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Does your dyslexia read your username as Santa? Okay, so technically, it may not fit, but...

Yeah, I know Yoda bit the big one, but being dead never stopped characters in Hitchhikers' Guide either, so.

No, but I would watch the hell out of Alan Rickman or Stephen Fry voicing Yoda.

I'm hoping that it'll be like Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy.


Major LEGO Island vibes.

I think the fans named him Horse Power.

Now playing

Aaaand the second part of the video has this music:

I would laugh so hard.

Now playing

The first bit of the video has this music: