
That is definitely Mario & Luigi music; I recognized it immediately.

I'm not so Grump.

Now playing

I want a mod that gives the males the pecs of Super Macho Man.

That would be where your problem is; AD stands for Anno Domini.


Nah, I don't think it's a word, but I'm right there with you in that it should be.

Tangentially related, but every time I look at the word "retardicles" I can't help but mentally pronounce it "retard-ih-cleez."

Glad I'm not the only one.

Well done, sir. Well done.

God, yes. Lego Island was amazing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's getting vibes of that from Lego City. If only Nick Brick was the main character...

Kotaku: Rusty Edition.

I'm pretty sure I couldn't install about half of those if I ever wanted to play Playstation with my girlfriend again.

Oh yeah! And check out this tribute album:

"Return to the Neverhood." <- Check it out!

Did you see the sequel to the soundtrack that got released a few months back?

Satan is a Canadian? Somehow, I always knew...

Something went wrong there. During the update, when I did it, it specifically disabled auto-shutdown. Even flashed me a message saying it did so.

Mine's TheBlueAvenger. I'm not online very often, but still.

I think 6 through 16.

"Girls are allowed to do so, because it is made for them." Who are you, to declare something like— oh, wait, no, carry on, Lord. My bad.