
I'd watch the hell out of this.

Yeah, that was probably the highlight of the video for me.

The cliff's facial expression in the last panel sells this for me.

People commonly feel like teenage girls around me. (Hearted back.)

As I understand it - a friend is someone you've hearted, and a follower is someone who's hearted you.

Oh, they were just recolored HGSS sprites? I completely missed that. Thanks.

I'm going to be 'that guy' and say that Bug Catchers generally raise bug types, not grass types. #corrections

I think, this weekend, I'm going to try and start Nier. Either that or I'll go trade in some games and pick up a copy of Xenoblade. Oooor maybe I'll just keep playing more Rhythm Heaven Fever! Always a good use of time.

So you meant to make one-fifth of a comment?

Dip that sucker in a Frosty!

COMPLETELY worth it.

That professor... I'm betting he betrays you at one point.

I should say that's just what I figured. XD They naturally don't actually tell you in-game.

The aliens didn't take over - because Mario and Luigi came back. There's no parallel universes or anything. Mario and Luigi traveled back in time because when they were babies, the only thing that stopped the aliens from taking over was the older Mario and Luigi traveling back in time.

The implication I got is that the aliens were in the past - they never time traveled or anything, they just decided to invade the kingdom 20-odd years ago or whatever. The only reason the present turned out all right is because Mario and Luigi time traveled.

That was Pokemon Adventures! It's still going, even. I remember hearing somewhere that the guys behind the games thought that Adventures was closest to what they envisioned.

I was able to jump my own height twice over before Mario made it cool.

Speaking as someone who owns both, the 3DS's game catalog, for my tastes, thrashes the Vita's. I spend most of my time on the Vita playing PSP games and Rayman Origins.

The most surprising place I've ever seen a Courage reference? Paper Mario. In the GameCube game, you could look up info on one NPC later in the game, and your partner would say something to the effect of "This is Fred, but for a Fred, he doesn't look very freaky. Not all Freds are freaky? News to me!"

Just picked up this game today on this article's recommendation. I'm still in the tutorial, but I'm loving it so far. It's giving me the same feeling I got when I played Golden Sun for the first time - my first true JRPG.