
Huh. That's pretty cool. I guess it was easier to give the option to all users as opposed to the starred ones? Either way, thanks.

Ah, I get it now. Yes, that's very visually distinct from, say, a jackass.

For what it's worth, I see the hollow star on my own posts too. Not sure what that's about.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but is there something about a person's silhouette/profile that would immediately identify them as suspicious?

I've had Rhythm Heaven Fever since release. I don't get a whole lot of time to play games nowadays due to real life encroaching on that territory, so I've been moving through RHF at sort of a slow pace.

Now playing

I first played this game in elementary school on the school computers. :] Never got past the part where you had to blow up the Weasel until high school or so; it scared the daylights outta me. But then when I went back a few years later, I had a lot of fun with it.

Oh god what the hell. Why did I read that. D:

I think it has the same basic ideas as Cross - a lot of the same characters, too.

Radical Dreamers was a text adventure sequel to Chrono Trigger, and it was the inspiration for Cross. So they were always related. :o

I don't think it's still censorship if they're doing the equivalent of taking an offensive book out of the general public section of the library and putting it in the section in the back, still easily accessible, marked with a giant banner that says "Objectionable Stuff Found Here."

He didn't update this week - his 400th issue is next, and he's taking some time to work on it.

AKA, 'the correct way.'

I'll give that a shot. Thanks!

I have a physical copy and it still doesn't work on Windows 7.

I'm a fan of ERB anyway, but Rhett and Link made this one amazing.

That was way more awesome than it had any right to be. Tintin completely blindsided me.

Whoa! You go, big guy!

Oh god, I remember that. I don't know why I remember it, but I remember it. Even read it in the guy's goddamn voice, too.