
My feelings exactly.

Not too long ago, I picked up pinkeye at the same time as an ear infection and a really nasty cold. That was not a fun time.

The third game is my favorite of the entire series. The rest of the games are good, but 3 just blows them all out of the water.


Everything about this comment made me laugh probably more than I should have.

Okay, despite knowing the name of the game, I still somehow thought this was an ad saying that Duke Nukem would be 75% off forever.

Oh man, the sloths... I love how Ellen completely psyches her out at the end. I felt so bad for her. XD

The overall Western cheesefest that is that *character* is pretty damn awesome.

I would play the hell out of any game that gave Guile's theme to Waluigi.

Everything on the GK2 album is gold. Too bad it's not seeing a release overseas any time soon.

This is one of my absolute favorites. So over-the-top.

Now playing

It is all about Damon Gant's theme for me. It's such a calm song, which is completely contrary to how happy his character is. It does have a good regal feel to it, which does fit, and I can completely see him playing it on the organ in his office.

The answer's ~69.181, by the way.

That certainly makes a lot more sense. Thanks.

They rustled up 999 people, but couldn't get one more? What happened there?

That's silly; you can get a copy for free if you just go to New Mexico.

Funny - all the older family members/non-gamers I've met always refer to consoles as a Nintendo.

Looks to me like it was more than a typo.

That 'Autotune the News' was amazing. Vermin Supreme is the man.

To be fair, that's not necessarily limited to gay couples.