
I call shenanigans. They’re in cahoots together to create social media drama and drive traffic.

Good lord. So I can’t sell my car online since some guy is going to take my money. I can’t sell the car on craigslist, since some guy is going to take my money AND my car. And the car dealer is going to scam me by offering me pennies on the dollar.

It’s probably this

Welp, that’s enough internet for tonight.

Ken Bone, the undisputed winner of last night’s debate

There are 7 people in that picture...

If it was in a movie you’d say it was unrealistic CGI

Being a citizen by accident of birth, I thought it was just while saying the pledge of allegiance.

Yeah. Good people can make mistakes, too. I just hope that the woman photographed either doesn’t know about it or has support to move onward. I would be very hurt if that happened to me.

oh....that’s....that’s a wallet

You guys knew what you were doing with that picture. Don’t even try to deny it.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

As long as we’re throwing money at the problem, why not just go for the heated attached garage? Works wonders for me.

I am so sorry you had to participate in that hot bullshit,

Holy shit. I am so sorry you had to go through that.

Now we just need to workshop a transvaginal ultrasound equivalent. Transrectal firearm fitting?

Do NOT understand why people find Zoolander funny. Ben Stiller hasn’t been funny since the Ben Stiller Show.

What white baby boomers think is funny. Here’s why Hollywood needs diversity.

Unpopular opinion time: