Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.
Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.
On the topic of Fairytale Reimaginings for young girls....I will maintain that Enna Burning, the second book in the Goose Girl quadrilogy by Shannon Hale does a FANTASTIC job of showing a predatory male character as a handsome charming man and have it be literally terrifying and soooo satisfying when he finally gets…
I dunno, I thought the inclusion of Alianora in the first one actually managed to pretty well avert the “Not Like Other Girls” trope before that trope had even been named. Alianora is pretty and demure and fashionable, but she can’t stand the status-obsession the other captive princesses have, and she has a definite…
You do realize that this was happening before cell phones, right?
I think when you blame people what you are really doing is whistling past the graveyard. “This person did a bad thing. I’m a good person. I will never have to worry about doing this.” It’s just a thing people do, trying to outsmart that “There but for the grace of God go I.” instinct about tragedy. Swept away in flash…
Wow the comments here are gross. I can see this happening to anyone, and do not want to hear the pathetic judgment from people who aren’t sleep-deprived from having infant twins and other kids and working full time. I did some really weird shit when I had an infant. An infant I was obsessed with and thought about all…
No they don’t.
Why this obsession with blame and fault?
Why does a person have to be assigned the fault?
Only the most hubristic of people think this couldn’t happen to them. I am generally against charging these cases unless you can prove the child was forgotten on purpose. These parents suffer so greatly after. It’s harrowing.
Have you read the WaPo article that’s linked in the article?
Sometimes awful, tragic, utterly heartbreaking stuff happens and no one is to blame.
I really loved Patricia C Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles. I’ve reread them several times as an adult, and I am so glad someone got them in my hands as a young teen. I definitely understood from reading those books, and from Ella Enchanted, that the overarching theme in Improper Princess books was that being…
I wasn’t sure about that. We know something happened on the Green Hornet set that made him persona non grata. When he’s on the roof if he’s imagining it then why would he say what he did after? I took it as more of a flashback.
I read the article by Jane Mayer in the New Yorker and your piece here, and I don’t think you have more than an extremely weak and spindly leg to stand on. I read carefully and tried to go with your line of reasoning and interpretation of the facts, but I don’t think you get anywhere near to proving that Mayer’s piece…
I really wish we were not in an era where people seemingly don’t understand the chasm of difference between a place like Jezebel, and the New Yorker.
Yeah it’s not like she personally tweeted about being upset that her successful sitcom got renewed or anything......
Yeah I respectfully disagree with this completely. I found Hopper’s behavior to be a new father who would have struggled with a teenage daughter (as many do IRL) in even the best of circumstances, and their circumstances are hardly ideal.