
Sadly the likelier situation is that none of this even happened, so we’re reading some loser’s loser fantasy.

It took them a while, but here we are:

since moving to Netflix”

I’m having an actual meltdown that blueberries are nowhere in this post.

“That girl” playing Lindsay Lohan is Elizabeth Gillies, which made me ‘awwwh’ because it’s nice that her and Ariana Grande are still doing stuff together.

I use food stamps. I don’t have an iPhone...but I don’t have a “fancy” smartphone ..that I bought used off of eBay. You understand it’s basically a necessity to have a smart phone in this day and age? I also have a nice name handbag I received as a Xmas gift five years ago that I have kept in impeccable condition.

The skepticism of Ocasio-Cortez speaks to the broader classism, sexism, and racism that characterizes so much of the way things work on the Hill and in elite media spaces.

Right? Very on-brand for that commenter though. She’s not like those other women.

Well aren’t you a fun, “cool girland not at all weirdly judgmental about a common event that plenty of women who are getting married have.

I can’t lie, I will watch the hell out of this.  


I’m going to say it, Gina was my least liked part of the show. Her plotlines went nowhere and they always focused on the worst part of her which was her laying about doing fuck all at the office.

No! No! Bloody No!

I think Chris Evans has just bumped himself up in the Best Chris rankings with this one.  He is the most politically minded Chris... he may have taken over for Pine in my eyes today.  

Now playing

It’s not a cover, but my favorite version of Africa is the Kristen Bell/Dax video. Mostly, I’m jealous that I never got to do the same during the 2 years I lived in Africa.  Say what you will about them, but I appreciate the good old-fashioned way these two embrace the cheese together.

Scrolled immediately down for Oregon.

Chik-fil-a and Oregon. #corrections

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with