
This article is incredibly unfair to the Krims. No, Yoselyn Ortega’s complaints weren’t legitamite. She made bad financial decisions; she sent her son to expensive private schools, she chose to sublet from a someone who kicked her out shortly after she moved in. They paid her, they offered her extra work when they

It is an injustice to paint these parents in any other light than grieving fucking parents.

Color. Color is why it shouldn’t be considered for cinematography. Cinematography consists of lens choice, framing, camera movement and angles, film stock/video quality choice, etc. But because you don’t like the color pallet the rest of what it does in terms of telling a story visually needs to be disregarded?

Well, it’s not like the Hamilton sound track hasn’t been out for a few years and sold millions of copies.

um, can buy the cast recording on CD for like 10 bucks...

Diana was shocked to see Camilla at her wedding because she was Charle’s *current mistress* not ex. Charles screwed Camilla the night before his wedding— hardly ex territory.

I know that’s kind of a “thing” to dislike Jennifer Lawrence at the moment, but I genuinely like her. It must have been so strange for her to be dragged into the Weinstein allegations as a defender when she obviously hates him. Imagine having to come up with a proper soundbite decrying his actions off the cuff with no

Any answer other than the Mummy is wrong.

It was something to see. Normally, a student would have politely accepted the non-responses but these kids were throwing down and making Rubio and Dana Loesche squirm. (Loesche could not have been more condescending and looked really put out to have to explain that the real problem is with the “crazies” in this

I love Loki, but I honestly think he’s been used as comic relief too much to be considered the greatest villain. Aside from the first Avengers, he’s been more of a nuisance than a threat, and doing everything for his own gain makes him more one-dimensional for me. Killmonger was just terrific in every possible way,

If that’s something that matters to you, you shouldn’t be checking sports sites while you’re watching stuff on tape delay, my man.

Click Baity and also...she’s not...real?

Or the old people that come in in their ironed dockers and dress shirts and loafers.

Is this your king?

Funerals are in progress for the murdered kids in Florida and the president is busy golfing and trying to provoke Oprah. This is our world.

“Come on everyone does it! Everyone is a racist piece of shit just like me.”

I honestly don’t know if you are being disingenuous or if you are an just an ignorant asshole. I also don’t know if the distinction really matters.

Don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look.

I’m hungover and having trouble following the idiot logic here, so let me get this straight; they chanted ‘Basketball’ at him because he is African American, and were implying he shouldn’t play hockey? Dear God people are dumb