reading your post a 2nd time i am reminded that yesterday was the anniversary of Voyager 1 taking the photo known as the Pale Blue Dot. you were sounding a bit Sagan like and i thank you for it...
reading your post a 2nd time i am reminded that yesterday was the anniversary of Voyager 1 taking the photo known as the Pale Blue Dot. you were sounding a bit Sagan like and i thank you for it...
Oh, fuck off. You can’t crawl inside people’s heads and fix them as a matter of policy. You can ensure that those people don’t have access to a device that allows them to deal instant death from their fingertips.
Good god what a fucking moron
No. He has to be charged and impeached. If he’s voted out, he still wins. His name will go down in history as president, and his stupid family will ride the “Trump” name for as long as they breed. He has to be removed from office via an impeachment so history remembers him as “Disgraced Former President Trump”. His…
me too! i love how modern and graphic these are.
Damn! It’s a painting people. It looks beautiful and every painter has their own style, not everything needs to be photo-realistic! I love both of them equally and think they are wonderful, but there are people on here bashing the Michelle one, and I don’t get it! /rant.
These comments are bumming me out.
They are not done by the same painter.
Still not as bad as Dodge using MLK to try to sell trucks.
Have you ever watched the show? They kinda did. They cross out part of the title every episode.
As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline: http://reportingonsuicide.org/
Wow, wow... Slow down.
How do you arrive at those conclusions?!
There are many happy, sexually active women in the world. And many happy, sexually active men as well. So, many folks are doing the boning just right.
i honestly never understood his show
Y’all motherfuckers can accept Gravity, an entire movie based around this concept that’s supposed to take place in our universe with our physics, but can’t accept that Leia can use the force to move like 20 feet in zero-G.
Enjoy your email, sucker.
“And to suggest that sticking your fingers down a woman’s throat on the first hookup is unexpected - please get out more.”
Going to someone’s place does not mean you consent to any and all sexual acts following your arrival there, and this idea is damaging as fuck.
If you consent to vaginal sex but not to anal sex, but someone has anal sex with you anyway, when you didn’t consent to it, would you say “Oh but I went back to their place so…