Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to.
It would really help readers if you put up an actual photo of the goddamned tree.
When the plucky band of misfits with tiny, beaten-up shitmobiles can’t actually defeat the vastly superior technology of their evil foes and have to, like, sneak out the back.
I will miss the extremely convoluted theories that were necessary to make Rey anybody’s kid, because there are only like 4 people in the entire Star Wars universe and none of them made a lick of sense.
I am a massive Star Wars fan and I have to say, the fandom’s reaction to this movie because it didn’t fit the terrible fan fiction they had in their head is making me hate most other Star Wars fans.
I don’t know, I kind of like the idea that he is not anything deeper. Like he is just a dark force sensitive individual who wanted power. What’s his connection to Palpatine? Nothing, he just wanted to grab as much power in the vacuum as possible.
Came looking for SNS, stayed for disgraced TV chef. Way to take the situation seriously, big guy.
Come on, Gwen! Amber showed up something like two weeks ahead of the tutor’s scheduled arrival, which is why the tutor didn’t show up during the events of the film! At least that was my understanding.
This probably isn’t what you want to hear, but go home and go to bed. Yes, you have a lot to do, but you’ll be so much more productive and on top of everything if you get a real night of sleep. Make a deal with yourself that if you go to bed tonight at a reasonable hour you’ll wake up early tomorrow and start studying…
I know he’s a dick, but little things like this remind me that he’s SUCH A DICK.
Fuck this guy. I hope all these roaches get exposed. GOP. DEMS. Left. Right. I don’t get give a fuck. Friends, bosses, uncles. Nice. Creepy. Old. Young. Expose them all. Scorched earth. My patience is over.
Honestly, though, that’s most religions. Their abuses are limited by the amount of power they wield, not by the particular set of beliefs they hold. Catholocism is one of the religions that has the most institutional power in the US, and it makes sense that that would make them one of the ones that are most likely and…
Read the article.
Rose McGowan is very much included, including her pic.
She is included in the article.
I don’t think his career will suffer. He’s extremely established. He’ll be fine.